When I gave birth to my daughter at the end of 2009, this spurred my initial breakdown. The hormone surge and the fact that I had harbored all the abuse practically to myself for a number of years. At first the health visitors and doctors thought I had Post Natal Depression due to the fact my daughter was born quite ill and was in and out of hospital meaning I never slept more than half an hour at any one point. It was a grueling time to be sure, but the added stress of a new baby who was ill and no slept meant the beast within me woke and finally somebody took the initiative to see that there was something deeper amiss. I started counselling through my doctor and it was with a lady called Pam. We had many sessions of an hour every week, she got to the bottom of my distress quite quickly and I opened up to her like no one else up to that point. But she was an older and wise and she had to retire, so when i was given my replacement therapy these are the letters I wrote to Pam (they were not meant to be sent and were not sent either) they helped me to adjust to the new lady and  it was as if I could continue with her despite Pam not actually being around.

I have not altered the letters, not even spelling mistakes as they are a piece of my history as it was written, so apologies if it does not read right or well!!

Dear Pam 22.09.2010

Ive been contemplating whther or not to write this tonight but well I cant help myself. Its like the beast has made me stroll out of bed and come down in the depths of the dark night and write my inner most thoughts, to you. I cant see the keyboard and I’m squinting. I have a burning feeling on my belly and I cant sleep at all. One moment I’ll put on the light. That’s better.

So I am laid in bed and all I can think of is writing this letter because these demons are far from gone. Every waking moment I am consumed. By him, guilt and anger. I was in bed just laying there after having some sexual contact with my husband which I enjoyed but yet I could not sleep afterward. Of course his head hit the pillow and boom…out for the count. This new lady today told me to use distraction techniques to stop me from incubating the ‘dark’ thoughts for longer than nesacary but she aint the one hqaving them and its harder than you think, and exhausting. I’ve tried all evening and I can’t relax for distracting myself and now I am here having cut my self raw and still not asleep! How can distraction be a good thing? On Friday I consoled myself with the fact I would n ot wake up, yes death was the only option. I was happy all day. Since I woke up the next day having failed (I don’t know how many paracetomols it takes to shut this beast down) and I felt shit, shit beyond shit, like maggots and the shight they reproduce. Sick to the stomach I was, not because of the after effects of the pills, no that was a blast compared to my minds activities. So having scared my husband rotten, cut my arms to bits, failed to overdose properly and had to get up as normal for my kids the next day, that was the lowest. Lowest of the low they say. I barely spoke all day, just stared numbly into space contemplating why I was still in the god forksaken hell hole of a place. But that’s it. I did not distract myself again all weekend and I slept, when I should and a little more. Yes, I walked as a zombie, yes I kept to myself and never entered outside once. No, I didn’t wash myself, brush my hair or teeth and I cant remember how many times I changed my clothes because they were wrong on my skin. Wrong been they just felt wrong. In the end I settled for my pj’s, why? Well why not? God this seems so grim. I’m frowning at what I have written yet I suppose its all the truth. Grim is what it is. Sorry for that. So back to what I was saying I slept, no distraction, I battled my thoughts and dealt with it…fell into slumber but today, I get this woman saying do all I csan to distract myself from my thoughts and here I am writing my thoughts because when I stop distracting my them, when I go to bed for example, what comes rushing in?

I think these people, barr you, think that this is easy.or something. She doesn’t know what you or I know however what makes her the expert at telling me how to handle this beast. In fact who gives anyone that right? I should be able to hablde things properly but I cant, that’s for sure. Does this mean therefore that someone else should make these decisions for me. I find this service somewhat contradictory. They numb me with these pills (which to be honest give me indigestion rather than sanity) and then they tell me how to feel. I try tell them and they say its normal to feel like this in my situation. ‘Normal?’ I mean jesus crist normal? I mean I relaise that thousands of women (and men) have been through this and maybe worse which is therefore sad that this sensation to dispose of myself is common throughout this whole process. Trauma. Something is a miss if this is ‘normal’, and for those others. If we felt brave enough and don’t get me wrong those people who do the right thing I bow my head to but for the others, the ones who are vunerable, the ones who are manipulated over time, our ‘normal’ is not their ‘normal’ trust me. Does this make any sense?

Pam you seem to have a special way of making me talk like I used to. I’m writing this and I am talking about the present rather than the past, which has to be a good thing right? Although I’m now wincing having mentioned the past and I catch a glimpse of TR in my mind. Its true isn’t it. He will haunt me forever. Full stop. I tried writing that I will learn to live with the ghost but how can I? I don’t want to.

One thing this new lady today told which did make sense was to do with him. I always consired him constantly trying to seek me out over these three years through text, work and where I live in order to recreate this fantasy all over again but in reality I pose a threat. I am a threat to him. If I crumble, he knows I may speak out hense he gains control by getting in contact again, checking things out, reining me in like a little love sick puppy. I never thought of it like that, he was actually making sure things were coather, you know all clear. And once he had established that, because I would take the bait everytime, he would then pursue a disgusting conversation. My obsession to reply to this man is beyond me. Why would I want to send any tyoe of a reply other than ‘you fucking twat of a bsatarding man, touch me or contact me or my family again you freak and I’ll personally rip you balls off with a spoon and place them next to wifes head in bed with a cup of tea and brief note about your outdoor pursuits, oh and yes I have proof you fool, test me, I dare you.xx’ we can’t forget the crosses those patronsing crosses, the ones that bring back the ‘sshh, be a good girl’ expression he always gave having done his worst. That’s the reply he deserves yet for some reason I always want to reply with niceties. Why? This eats me up Pam, I tell you. I suppose its because I spent my time protecting my family before and myself by being so nice to him. Being nice meant it gave me some control, I felt like I could manipulate him in some way not to come after me. If I was nice he was nice and this meant he would leave me alone. And now here I am craving to do this, be nice, protect myself, my family, yet I know that if I do this I will jeopardise everything. My husband will not understand, neither will my mum or dad. My support worker may do but the biggest will be the police. These POVA police people who I told the lot to, would they appreciate investigating this for me in the future and finding that I was nice to him, doesn’t work in my favour does it? Yet the obsession is still there. I want to go to him, be near him so that I know where he is. I don’t need to be that close but I need to know where he is, watch him as he watches me. Shift his control over to me. God I could get in the car now and sit by his house waiting for him to emerge. Not sure what would come next but I feel like this most days, every day, because I haven’t replied. I keep trying to guess hwt he is thinking, whether he is panicking (which is what I want) but is he planning to seek me out and shut me up for good? Or his he conducting a plan in order to make me look like a liar should I attack him verbally in public, is he thinking what I am thinking, the ultimate, I wonder. He will be panicking. Through all this, I know him, I know his every thought and move because I’ve studied it, like a stalker I suppose but not for the same reasons. For safety. I must be one step ahead at all times. Now I am at a loss because I feel I’ve fallen behind. I’m crumbling into this hole consumed by my own darkness. Revenge, guilt and this madness, I think that’s anger. Look Pam, look what he has done to me! I hate him, I physically hate him to the pit of my stomach to the tips of my toes, the strands of my hair and the beating of my heart, this man is the sickness I have inside me. Poision. He is poison. My fingers are punching these digits harder as this anger comes out!
Poison. Toxic poison.He has poisoned in every possible way and now here I am, I don’t know think there is a cure. Its terminal. This will kill me wont it? If not physically I amsure it will fuck me up mentally some how in the end. I mean look at this letter its all over the place. I have cut my belly to shreds and It burns and I want this keyboard to be his face…..that face. Arrgh, that face that fucking face, pinned on my brain like a fucking leach you knob head, you actual fucking knob of a man. You have ruined my life, no, you are ruining my life. I have to stop you but I cant. I caused this in the end didn’t I we know I did. I let you in I let you groom me and groomed I became. I am yours. No, I am not. I am me, and I will get you one day, I will. That’s my vow, if he is to haunt me by god I will drag his sorry arse of a ghost through hell and back so he will wlk this lonely earth for all eternity burning and alone. Preferably with no cock either.

You can feel my hate I am sure. So you will know this is no lie. I have no reason to lie, for I could risk everything I hold dear by this. Everything. I risk it anyway but I think at this point I have seen support unlike I expected, especially my husband. My darling husband. He does not clean but he does me right and I love him Pam, like nothing else. I am connected to him in a way that now pen and paper can describe. All I know is all this is because of him. This guilt, this pain, this protection. I could not bare him hurting, or hurting anymore. I would do anything for him. Actually anything, I would give my body up for him. I have already. I wished that this could have stayed pure. It was so pure between us. So pure, untaineted, real like the movies but also like the movies it has its consequences,  our life ‘a romantic disaster movie’ makes for good viewing I promise. I have complained about my husband many a time to you but you know that this is superficial. He is the most gentlest, kind man I have ever known, albeit a little lazy and unhygienic at times he is my man. Hairy and soft, funny and stubborn. He’s mine all mine. I think that’s the problem. He is mine, through all this and more he is mine heart body and soul he has given me his word and I mine yet that’s it, that’s the problem. I once said to my friend who was having problems with her fella as to whther she wanted to continue any tyoe of relationship with him. I said to her as someone had once told me its not a question of whether you can live with him, its whether you can live without him. The answer then becomes obvious to the question. I cannot live without my husband. I know I will lose him if I cannot hold it togther or the threapiost gets to him in anyway. And if I lose him, I wont want to live anymore, hence why when I feel I am losing control, I want to die. I cant live without him, its simple. So instead of ever having to experience that feeling of loss, I would rather die beforehand. In that way it seems that the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth no matter how painful will bury with me and life will progress for him. He will find that perfect woman, who can give him all he evr needed and more until he is grey and old. He deserves this, doesn’t he. The best, and I am not the best. I deserve to be buried.

I can hear you Pam. I know what you are saying, like a little voice in my head. ‘No, that’s not true, non of this is your fault’ and my husband ‘I don’t want anyone but you please don’t do this to yourself, I can’t live without you, what about me, I love you?’

It is my fault Pam. It is. And my darling I love you too but you will not see this in the end, you will see pain and I cant see you in pain. Please understand. If I die, I die for me. Its what I want.

Again there is this contradictory view on support Pam. I hear you all including my family saying I must make descision of my own again and not let dickhead take over everything. I understand this and if I could make good decisions that’s what I would do but how is replying to this man a good decision? Its not. Bad decision. I know this much. So ok, another decision. Try handling my finances properly, ok? Ok, but I can’t concern trate well, I make mistakes, its ends in trouble. Bad decision. So this support comes and takes over. Each telling me that to speak to the police and pursue things, a good decision one that can only be made by me and me alone. Fair enough. Then make a choice whther to stay in or go out, do what I feel I can handle.Everything must be what I feel I can handle. So I make this decision to top myself and I know this is omething I really want, yet I am told this was a bad decision. Again all control is to others. I want death, I want sweet release. I told you, contradictory.

My husband has now run downstairs its 2am and he was worried I had done something. His hand on my knee and weary eyed, I promise him I will now try and sleep. So Pam, tonights letter is done. Lets see what tomorrow brings, no doubt I’ll be venturing again some time soon so it wont be long till we talk again.

Dear Pam 27.10.10

I have written for a while. I wonder why for a minute, it because I haven’t been able to, literraly I haven’t been able to. Things went from bad to really bad and then to a whole new level of bad that it felt like the world had exploded in my head and I was splatted all over the universe! Extreme I know but wow, my life is the worst. Granted there are people starving or dying in the world right now who in reality have far worse a time than myself but when you are living in a nightmare its pretty difficult to take all that outside life into consideration. Quite selfish really this depression thing.

Yes the last time I wrote things were not good and I told you how I could not sleep that night. Scampi had not come as usual and I had called him several times. You know what I have been like needing a cat to snuggle up with in order to drift off soundly. Well after I worte you I called many times after and he still did not return. Come morning lil man starts calling him out the window and he still no where in sight. Me, worried came downstairs out of my bed to call him, knowing he could not refuse my call. He couldn’t and there I saw him strolling back from under the car by the agarage. Then I realised he wasn’t strolling he was limping and covered in blood. I ran to him as soon as I could screaming at the top of my voice. Sure enough he was battered, hit by a car no doubt his back right leg mangled and bleeding, scratches all over. He must have dragged himself back for me. To be home and safe with his mummy, my baby boy came home despite the pain he must have felt. I was hysterical as you can imagine I kept screaming ‘no not my Scampi, my beautiful scampi’. For a brief time I stopped and wondered if I was dreaming but I soon realised this was a nightmare and I wasn’t asleep.

At the vets he was sedated and xrayed for damage. Amazingly it was only his leg which was the serious problem and that was fixable. We got the good news having spent an hour crying uncontrollably at home. He was fixed up and sent home two days later. I felt so happy, my bad luck may have been changing? Not for long. Scampi couldn’t move and lived in a cage for 3 days at home. He was still his loving self and very very grateful I could tell but something in his eyes was wrong. He was no longer what my dad calls a ‘goer’it was the same look that Whiskey gave me and thinking back probably also Jimmy. The vets after a check up told me it was best to probably amputate the leg as it looked as though it wasn’t healing as planned and slowly dying off uner the bandages. I was fine with this just as long as he could come home and lay with me and let me take care of him. I rang and found out the operation a success and he was fine and dandy I could come and visit him in two hours. I was so pleased. Next thing I get a phone call, it ws E. ‘He has had a turn for the worse Im afraid, I’m quite worried about him, we trying to inject him to help him, I’ll ring and let you know how it went asap’. Not expecting any good news bt my fingers crossed, I sat waiting, waiting waiting, I didn’t move nor speak. Luckily dad went to pick up lil man and j bear was asleep when that call came. ‘I’m sorry Mrs White, he died’. Pam, it felt like a knife had hit me hard in the chest and come out of my back. The anger I felt, the pain I felt, god I thought I was going to rip the house apart. I have never ever reacted so angryily to anything. I went MENTAL, absolutely stone cold MENTAL. I threw things, I broke things, I screamed, I shook myself, hurt myself, shouted out, ran about crazy. My dad returned and saw me, he knew. I ran upstairs to hide from lil man and I just couldn’t contain the beast in me. I blocaded myself in my room and grabbed for the phone…..IHT team asap. But no, no one was able to take my call, I rang S. No one picked up. I left a message.  I picked up those pills and everyone I put to my lip. Selfish, but oh my god it felt good. Each one went down without a thought. It was so fresh, so wonderful to think I finally could go through with it, finally I had some power over my life. I did not want this pain any longer, I was being punished on a daily basis and it was obvious god or no god something or someone was pushing me over the edge, testing my boundaries and this time the boundaries had been overshot by a country mile. Those white pills held in my hand and the crisp taste of fresh water as I swallowed several at a time. All the while straing out the window and down the street to the world, I wanted to jump too but it was not high enough and would only make me look silly. But the fresh air and the delight I felt from this was awesome, I knew that’s what I had to do, stop this fucking heartache once and for all, stop this heart. My cheeks were red rore and my hands shaking I could feel the doubt pass in through my head. My kids. My babies. I could not do this to them? Bad mother, better without me I say but no, I want to see them grow old. My babies.Silly girl. Silly silly girl, you are strong not weak, this is weak, but its good. I don’t want this anymore. No. The phone rang as I contemplated the third sachet of pills, it was S. Good old S tells me to ring J, trust in him, go to hospital. I wonder whether to ring him and unlike me I do. And I tell him what I’ve done. He takes me to hospital.

That evening in hospital, it was strange, I spoke my mind for the first time in a long time, I swore, I was angry. I could not be fucked what others thought. I actually did not give a fuck, it was amazing. I cans see now why some people turn to drugs and alcohol because I was able to speak my mind. MY mind not someone elses, MINE. I t was great. Weird hey. I felt great about trying to top myself, changing my mind and then facing the world once they knew. This was the difference, I meant it and that scared everyone. I sent my goodbyes to the important people with the power of text and I said my peace with the world. It was it, but it wasn’t. It was it for Scampi, third cat in a row. Scamps. Scampi doodle doo. Gone and gone forever yet I keep on surviving. My life is all about surviving.

I went home that night having the all clear from hospital to a house full of my favourite people. My dad, my mother in law, my children (asleep though they were) my best friend and her husband and my husband. No Scampi though. They all gave me a smile and patted my back, called me silly and hugged me saying they were there for me etc etc. If only they knew Pam, would they be there for me then? NO.

I must go for now Pam, I have a very bad head (I’ll explain later when I catch up to date) for now I will say goodnight and I’ll write again asap….of course I never know whats round the corner and life might take yet another drastic turn so as I have come to believe I should never count my chickens. Till tomorrow adieu.

 DEAR Pam 31.10.10

I’m so confused. Aren’t I always? Things haven just spiralled and non of the techniques work. I wish you were here, our appointment just round the corner. Some release, but these letters will do, for now.

I told you about Scampi right? I vowed we buried my Scampi Doodle Doo. As I walked away from the shallow Grave, I swore that I would write again. I swore to them all….you will be remembered, all four of you The Fabtabbilous Four, my fantastic four, my own. I will, if I make it through I will write that book and it will e loved and all four of them Jimmy, Whiskey, Scampi, Ginger and I’ll have to add my oldest friend Jessie to the story too, in fact she will be the lead. I’d love to that Pam, write again. No block, just words. Something fun. All my cats were fun I want them to stay alive as long as possible, past my death and my childrens.

Scampi’s buriel was the hardest. Funny being you would have though by now I had got used to it. I hadn’t accepted his death, I went mad and tried to kill myself and I didn’t succedd and then that day seem to be ignored. Everyhting and everyone carried on as if I had never done and I suppose so did I. Embarrassing as it was. And for that I ignored the fact that Scampi was never coming home. Not alive anyway. He will never kneed my hair with a purr so loud and yet so comforting. He will never check in after 10 mins out running up to my face and kissing me all over. He will never be there when I cry and he will never lay by side any more. So all this into consideration I chose not to think about it, I even (by pure chance) spoke with the scampi’s original owner and received a complimentary kitten in condolence, Scampi’s younger and identical brother and yet when Scamps buriel came it was like BANG! I remembered him and all his glory. He lay there, his wound to his lost leg. Still and cold. My warm baby. His eyes had sunk in and yet he still looked perfect. I stroked him and he was still soft. Scampi Soft. I kissed him and held his paw. I didnlt want to let him be buried, I wanted to keep him. I hated the idea of him wrapped in soil and forgotten, wrqapped without me. He always went to sleep with me. I wanted to crawl up beside Pam, and stay with him. But, he had to buried alone. Not quite alone, I gave him his favourite mouse toy and I cut off my hair and left it by his face to cuddle up to. I walked away as J filled in the hole and I asked that he not cover his face, not whilst I was there. It was hard, harder than Jimmys but that doesn’t mean I loved her less, to be honest I not sure why. SO that’s when I said…my book is the only way to keep them alive. Oh and yes Pam you heard right, I now own Scampi’s younger and almost identical brother. He’d not so Scampish or hyper  but he cute, timid and not so in to me but he here and that’s all I have of Scampi, for now. I cant name him though. Even now, I cant name him.

So Pam, another cat down, another suicide down. lil man has been ill with Chicken Pox and now J bear and J well you know battles on every day unhappy but a MAN. No tears, no emotion, nothing, like the man of steel crossed with Spock from Star Trek. Strong, powerful, invinceable and yet not a shed of a tear, anger or anything remotely worth any attentionemotionally at all. Humanless almost. Is that a word? He seems hard as a rock and cold as ice. Sometimes Pam, no most times Pam I don’t even like this man. Do I love him anymore I find myself asking every day but yet I am compelled by his love aren’t i. I loved himonce. Before I became ill. Before ‘what happened’ became common knowledge and discussed frequently by otheres. I loved him. I did all this for him and now I question whether I love him. It menas all is for nothing if this were true. SO silly, so pointless. I think I may just cut myself and walk away, I cant handle him anymore. His pain and grief, he wont let me in yet I am expected to tell all to him. The realationship is doomed isn’t it. It always was since I left to go to work. Doomed. Like all things I touch. 

I talk like this Pam and yet I know I am kidding myself by thinking life without J would be fine but yet I feel compelled to write this all the same. Some days I nthink I love TR but why would that be so. Is it because I cant get him\ out of my head? I think about him more than my husband and I think him about him all the time. I obsess and I dream and I think of what I would do if I saw him again. And I want too. I NEED to. I need to see him. I went to his village, about a week ago. I had to be near find out that street seek out that house. I had forgotten what iot looked like having only seen it in the dark. I went, Oh and I was scared my heart pounded as I drove down those lanes. I sped there, I kept thinking that I might just turn the corner and crash into his car, topple it or something, may be even kill him, not his child though or his wife, no, they would not be in the car. I found the house. Something House it was called, I drove past too quick in case he was to see my car or me. His car parked outside, I knew the white house was his, I remembered. I drove up the street to the church. I had this spare of the moment craze to walk into the church and leave a note in the guest book “S**** H*****’ who lives in your village is a RAPIST. A serial RAPIST. An addict, a cheat, a fake. All who love him be warned, he rbings much pain and has ruined my life, please let this help you save yours’ Of course the note would be anonymous but obvious. A small village and communityu like that would see it and it would build doubt. He would never suspect me though would he. Quaint old B, reliable, smart B. His best fuck. His best. The woman unlike the rest failed to fall for him yet manged to keep him away from her life. The one who accepted his behaviour and befriended him in a plite to save her marriage and her lifestyle. Befriended him and kept queit. Never asked him to leave his wife, or boasted about a fling. The one who never let him get too near or too close. The one who always got away emothionally. The one who gave his satifaction like no other, a chase and a struggle. The one who thrilled him because she wasn’t available. The one who pretended to be someone she wasn’t. The one who invited him to her wedding and pictured with him. The one who let him stand in front of her husband knowing full well what he did and what he was thinking and let him shake his hand whilst looking at me and winking. I WAS WEAK. I did not stand up him and with this note I could just maybe catch a glimpse of what it could be like to turn the table. But it wasn;t to be Pam. The church was locked. I had ran there to this little church with beautiful views hoping for this relief and yet nothing became of it. A man saw me as I ran back, he was walking his dogs. Being of a similar age to TR I knew he would know him so my animity was already lost if this man could recall my appearance. DAMN. Yet I wanted to stay here. Stay in the village and watch, one car was missing. I wanted to watch that house, but my children were waiting and my husband too. My headache was also returning and I felt sick. I went home Pam but for some reason the xperience made me feel better.

So to the headache. I have been ill for two weeks now with what both the hospital and the surgery call a severe migraine. Some days I cant even walk about. I staye din hospital. I had a number of tests, a panic about the staff possibly being related to TR and also incase he was visiting someone. Well with my luck, yopu never know! He didn’t and I was safe, so were my tests, all normal yet I copuldn;t stand the light, move my back or even barely walk. God, what a migraine!

I do have a story to tell though Pam, interesting as it may seem about the afterlife. Ghosts. I experienced something whilst in the hospital which made me feel weird and I really did think lots about it. I’ll telll yu ina minute about that, I just wanted to add that despite being ill I have felt better mentally well since I heard that H uncle David killed himself. He jumped of a boat in the artic. It was crazy and on the news. It made me think that he really must have been desperate. 79 years of age and off he jumped  having fought cancer and other illnesses the one illness he just could not beat was depression and it finally killed him. Is this what my life was to be? A boat journey? Would I rie this boat to the port, or jump before it lands? Knowing my luck it will hit an iceberg and sink just when I found my life again. Is life one big Titanic? A magnificent ship, a ship of dreams. For some a ride of warmth and luxury, for others just another trip and for some a small cabin with no view and a rat or too but still a ride home all the same. In the end rich or poor, happy or sad, ship or life we all lay below sea level in the end, it just depens whether we choose to jump, sink or swim. I not sure what category I fall into yet but I’ll keep you posted. My condelonces to Pauline, her David jumped.

ENoguh of the philospophy, its way to too late for too much of that Pam! I was going to tell you about this ‘experience in hospital’ it was another one of these moments that really make you think.
As for TR, I did it. I replied. Why I not sure why. Maybe I’ll find out soon. I have an appointment on Tuesday with a Rape Crisis counsellor. Your replacement I suppose. Gail she is called. She sounded nice on the phone but I have to travel 25 miles at night past the dreaded town. On my own? Well I wont be but some other lady might be. Hardly the best set up for someone who has been abused. I have to meet her in the dark outside the a community building, alone. She will then show me her workplace and the future place of the meetings. Hang on, does this sound like a set up? Oh my god, maybe it is, maybe he =has got someone to lure me there and ….no, I being silly.Am I? Its hardly ideal. J will come with me and then drop me with this lady. Where will he go 25 miles in a n unsual town? I beginning to regret taking up this offer. No, I must. I must go. I need to understand my behaviour. I know this is what you wised. I know that it does not deal with everything from my past and lil mans dad etc but for this moment in my life it is him I need to sort. Finally give in to the beast and talk this shit out of my head. I wonder. She will not be like you, nor can she better than you. I know you will saw this is whats best but you must see Pam that since you have been gone from my life I have no one else that understands and I have been ill. Ill like never before, you made me well, Pam and I need you back. Please come back. Please.

 Dear Pam, 03.11.10

The question tonight is am I fat? Thw question every woman asks regardless of the answer. The question put to others or more commonly put to themselves. So for about the millionth time I ask myself am I fat? I feel fat therefore I am fat, it doesn’t actually really matter whether you look it or not, its what you feel. And I FEEL fat, Pam. Fair enough some may say I have had a baby recently and I have an excuse but really its not an excuse for me. If someone where to ask me what is that women want? I would say every woman wants to FEEL thin, looking thin is a bonus but to FEEL happy in their own skin for possibly their entire life would be what woman want and unfortunately no MAN can do that regardless. Anyway, it was just a thought as I laid in bed feeling my belly flop to one side onto the bed. Horrible Pam, it feels horrible. I hae this person I have become. So obsessed with how I look and feel. Its weird because I know its because I am not making an effort. When I make an effort I know I look ok so I am not so paranoid about how I look and feel but when I don’t its like, the whole world will notice B as she is. Greasy, dirty, hairy and fat. Sod it it how I feel. I wish I meant that.

So Pam, is this called make-up? Putting on a face has more bearing to me now than ever before. Its funny that I was thin, pretty and well groomed when I kept all this crap in and now its all in the open, I don’t make any effort to make myself look ‘good’ because I don’t feel good. In fact I never felt ‘good’ when I did make myself up but I certainly felt strong enough to hide behind it. Denial I suppose, act as if I always did then no one would notice the truth. Now of coarse all my private thoughts and business are being analysed by everyone and if I so put on a bit of make up, a nice outfit, do my hair someone says ‘you look nice’ or ‘you look brighter’ and imedistely I go into auto drive and all I can think is should I be looking shit? Because shit things have happened to me and does this mean because I look ok means I lied or that I am over it all now? Do get what I mean? It puts this immense pressure on me to ‘look as I feel’. People want me to get better therefore the glimmer of hope turns into ‘she is much better don’t you think’ and I feel I have to keep it up and all bottled up again and the pattern starts again. That’s where I am Pam. I have closed up again, everyone thinks I am better but truth is its bad because bit by bit I closing off and getting angrier and angrier with everyone cause I have no outlet. Apart from these letters of course! I wish you were sat here telling me why I feel like this and that this is * the usual pattern for someone in my position. *I nearly quoted ‘normal’ here and that would not be the case as I wrote in an earlier letter.

I am angry all the time. I seem to be pushing my closest away. I cant stand to be round my husband at the moment although I love him dearly ( I think, of course, its just confusion). He comes to hug me and kiss me and after a few seconds I moving onto some job or task. I cant do it. He notices too. Why do I do that? We meant to be going away for the weekend next weekend and I should be looking forward to it but instead I seem to be dreading it. Four days alone with my husband would normally be bliss but why am I so fearful of that now? Maybe it’s the expectation. I would like to spend it sleeping and relaxing but J he will expect some activity both out and about and indoors too if you know what I mean. Why is sex so scary now? WHAT THE FUCK?! Did I just ask that?! That’s crazy, I mean of course I know why but what I mean is while that bastard raped me serially I ws able to continue sex comfortably with my husband but now when fuck face is not in my life (much) I cant do it? I really don’t get the logic in that at all. I think to much don’t I Pam. Bloody hell B, give myself a break. So as I was saying a trip away. Its meant to be a treat/Christmas present to us to get us back on track as a couple and as a basis to come back refreshed ready to deal with the other pressures going on. It wont help, I know it wont but I will put my smile and thanks on and continue with the plan because that’s what you do. For them its all solvable somehow. Get B back to ‘normal’ (that word again) and all will be fine, the rest will follow. Well the news is I will never be ‘normal’ again. No weekend away can erase whats happened, to both of us. That first memorable day when TR took me into the mens toilets and pushed me against the cubicle wall lifted my skirt and within a few seconds it was there, in me. My eyes shut and the burning pain of guilt and regret. In about 3 mins, my life changed and in that three mins my husband was all I could see, his face if he saw, his pain, his anger, his disappointment. Our wedding gone, lil' man dad gone, his pain. Three minutes of the future a ‘flashforward’. That’s all I could see and all I could think was ‘everythings ruined’ and I was right Pam because here I am. I fought and fought to stop that image happening, every minute of every day, even now, I’m fighting but now I am exhausted and I’ll give in, I musnt I know but I feel it as I get weaker. I almost in tears as I remember those moments Pam but the words bring me back. I will never ever forget that day, that time. The others seem insignificant to this, the first. Much like how people claim ‘you always remember the first person you have sex with’ and then mothers may add ‘make sure its someone special’. Huh, well it works the same with sexual abuse. I remember the first in detail, that’s the one that gives me flashbacks (and flashforwards) the one that makes me cry the most. Its because that it all changed then. After that it had already been spoiled so it didn’t matter so much, it was like a surrendered my body and gave up so much easier. Don’t get me worng I avoided him like the plague and found excuses not be in a certain place at a certain time nor be available when he thought he had a window of opportunity. Anything to keep him at bay but it didn’t always work and no amount of smiles and ‘no’s would ever make him stop, and if I struggled, well that was more of a ‘turn on’ for him so he said. He liked to be dominant over me and I can tell you it was a lot less messier if I quietly complied. I could not take the pain of him when he was angry and I struggled. He would just get stronger and more deep. He would hold me tighter and bite me. The whole process took a lot longer. I learnt quickly that it was not worth it and having tried my best in the run up to him dragging me somewhere, I could all but go limp and it ended in minutes without much harm to myself, almost like one minute he’s there the next he’s gone packing his lunchbox and rejoining our collegues as if nothing ever happened. And this was what I learnt to do too. As if nothing took place. Disgusting and weak I was, WEAK fucking WEAK as shit. I think it feels like I cheated because I gave in so easy but others will say I protected myself. Its that though that twists with your brain. Makes you feel you like you are in some way to blame and if you are to blame then that counts as cheating – hense guilt.

I’m tired Pam and J Bear stiring. I forgot what I was writing about in the first place anyway….all points lead straight back to him don’t they. I do apoligise what boring letters you must read from me. Night Pam, take care.

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